Missed the opportunity to buy some Bonnivier Pranaja fan merchandise during COMIVURO 2? What if we told you that they can be yours, and all you have to do is play children's games? Easy peasy, right? And if you win, and you'll be going home with those prizes in your arms.
However, you should know that you're not the only one whose eyes are after the prize. Other Bonnitos are willing to stake everything they have into these games... even their sanity. Bonnitos can be fiercely competitive, especially if it involves The Man™. High stakes, high rewards.
Kamu ga dapet kesempatan untuk membeli beberapa fan merchandise Bonnivier Pranaja pas COMUVURO 2? Gimana kalau kita kasih tau kalau itu bisa jadi milik kalian dan yang harus kalian lakukan hanya main game kecil-kecilan? Gampang banget kan? Dan kalau kamu menang, kamu bisa bawa pulang hadiahnya ke tempat kamu.
Tapi, inget bukan kamu saja yang mengincar hadiahnya. Bonnitos lain juga siap tempur demi mendapatkan hadiah tersebut… sampai bisa gila. Bonnitos bisa kompetitif banget, terutama kalau sudah bawa-bawa Yang Bersangkutan™. Taruhan tinggi, imbalan juga tinggi.
Your suffering will not be in vain. Winners will not go home empty-handed.
Do you have what it takes to win in the Crab Games?
The event has ended.
The prizes for the winners are as follows:
Hadiah untuk pemenang adalah sebagai berikut:
1st Place ![]() Bonnivier Pranaja long pillow case | 2nd Place ![]() "To the Stars" cloth tapestry |
The prizes will be shipped to the winners, regardless of which country they reside in.
Hadiah akan dikirimkan kepada pemenang, dimanapun negara mereka tinggal.
Any concerns or questions regarding any details of the event will be addressed through the thread. Good luck, and may Bonnivier’s blessings be ever in your favor!
Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai detail event akan dibahas di dalam thread. Good luck, dan semoga berkah Bonnivier selalu memberkatimu!
Form closes on 17 March 2022 or when the maximum number of players is reached.
Form ditutup pada tanggal 17 Maret 2022 atau pemain sudah mencapai maksimum.
Notes / Catatan
This event is open to all members of the Bonnito Community residing anywhere in the world. Event ini terbuka untuk semua member Komunitas Bonnitos dimanapun di dunia.
Should the sign-ups go beyond the maximum number of players, the excess will be added to the waitlist and called in case the actual players don't show up on game night. Jika pendaftar lebih dari maksimum, yang berlebih akan ditambahkan ke waitlist dan akan dipanggil jika pemain yang sudah terdaftar tidak bisa ikut.
This server event is a fan-made event and is not endorsed by the creators of Crab Game or related companies. Crab Game is a First-Person Multiplayer game where you play through several different mini-games based on children's games, until only one player stands victorious. It is free to play on STEAM. Acara server ini adalah acara fan-made dan tidak disponsori oleh pembuat game Crab Game ataupun perusahaan yang terkait. Crab Game adalah game First-Person Multiplayer dimana kamu bermain beberapa minigames dari permainan anak kecil, sampai hanya tersisa satu pemain yang menjadi pemenangnya. Dapat dimainkan secara gratis melalui STEAM.
The prizes are fan merchandise. These products were sold by the circle DEAD BY DEADLINE in COMIVURO 2 and illustrated by koactus. The prizes are not allowed to be sold by the winner to anyone else unless gifted. Hadiah adalah fan merchandise. Produk ini dijual oleh circle DEAD BY DEADLINE di COMIVURO 2 dan di ilustrasikan oleh koactus. Hadiah tersebut tidak dilarang untuk diperjual belikan kepada siapapun terkecuali dihadiahkan.
Thank you to kurideecee for organizing and sponsoring this event! Terima kasih kurideecee untuk mengadakan dan mensponsori acara ini!