The Bonnito community has its own story.
Though it involves Bonnivier, it has
no direct impact to his lore.

The origin of Bonnitos
According to scientists, only 5% of our oceans have been explored. There are so many areas that have yet to be discovered and studied by humans, and one of those places is where the [round fishes with legs] come from. Very simple-minded and naturally gentle creatures, these [round fishes with legs] are very much prey to other creatures of the sea. With not much way to defend themselves, the only way for them to survive is to keep themselves hidden deep in the waters.
However, the [round fishes with legs] are also very curious creatures and underwater threats don't stop them from exploring the world around them. They did try to go on land and saw many places, but because of wild animals, man and their technology the [round fishes with legs] became too scared to resurface. That was until they found themselves in a quiet lake one day. The area was spacious and quiet, there weren't any animals that could prey on them and there weren't any humans around either -- except for an old man named Mang Cing who took care of the area. The [round fishes with legs] were able to befriend him after some time and they felt safe in his presence, and that's when they decided to make this lake their new home. The place is called Empang.
One of Empang's frequent visitors is an angler named Bonnivier Pranaja. The [round fishes with legs] were very curious about him and decided to try and interact with him. The man was very gentle and loving towards them and the fishes adored him. Bonnivier asked Mang Cing what type of fish the [round fishes with legs] are, but the older man didn't know what they were either, then Mang Cing suggested to Bonnivier to name them instead. And that's when Bonnivier decided to name the [round fishes with legs] after his own name: 'Bonnito'.

The caretaker of the lake
Name: Mang Cing (4X years old)
Birthday: October 22
Origin: Discord bot
The land where Empang now stands is owned by Mang Cing's family. During Cing's youth, many richer folk took interest in purchasing the land but Cing's father turned them all down. After his parents passed away, Mang Cing inherited the land and converted it into a fishing area. His business began to prosper after the Bonnitos made a home of his land, bringing Mang Cing riches from the sea as gifts. He sold these treasures and used the money to improve Empang.

Today, Empang remains lively as ever. Sometimes Mang Cing loses his sanity when the fishes play with his equipment, including gasoline. The Bonnitos have a weird fascination with fire and love to burn whatever they can get their fins on. It doesn't help that the Bonnitos are influenced also by what they watch in Bonnivier's streams -- a bit of violence and shooting on the side. But before things go completely out of hand, Mang Cing makes sure to discipline the fishes.
Despite the Bonnitos' chaotic nature, Mang Cing still cares for the fishes a lot and even cleans up their mess. When he found out that Bonnitos love candy, he also gives some to them as treats.