Character profiles

Bonnivier Pranaja
Bonnivier was a professional fisherman who quit after being scammed in a tournament where he won a keychain instead of a more deserving prize. Nowadays if he isn't playing games or doing odd jobs, he passes time still catching fish as it's his main hobby. Recently it had been revealed that before becoming a fisherman, Bonnivier lived a dangerous life as a mercenary named "Angler" and he worked alone.
Other names: Bonni, Bobon, Angler
Age: Assumed to be 29 during his debut.
Birthday: September 19 (Virgo)
Height: 183cm (6'0")
Other languages: Bahasa Indonesia, English, Casual Japanese. Familiar with Philippine dialects like Bisaya and a bit of Tagalog. Currently learning Korean.
Fan mark: 🎣
Debut date: 9 August 2020
Artist: name unknown, though Bonnivier appears to share the same designer as Taka Radjiman and Riksa Dhirendra.
Other facts
Bonnivier is ambidextrous.
He likes playing FPS games but he is weak to horror and jumpscares.
His known pets are a cat named Nora, a red-knee tarantula named Thanatos, and a betta fish named Happy.
He is known to have French Fries as his favorite food but he also mentioned liking goat satay and New York Cheesecake. He can't handle spicy food.
Drinks tea, with black tea as his favorite. He avoids coffee due to gastro problems.
His other favorites include Purple hydrangea (flower), Alligator gar (fish), Markiplier and GassyMexican (YouTubers), and A Day to Remember (music band).
It should be noted that Bonnivier has Lepidopterophobia (butterflies) and Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces, particularly long repetitive hallways). He also finds discomfort being in the open sea.
Bonnivier's Twitter changed from "bobon_pranaja" to "Bonnivier_2434" after his account got compromised. The new account was made on 4 November 2022.
Music (BGM)

Xavier Pranaja
Bonnivier's younger brother who's currently busy with his studies.
He recently moved in his brother's home and now they live together.
Other names: Vier, Sapi
Age: 19
Birthday: June 1 (Gemini)
Height: 172cm (5'8")
Artist: koactus
Other facts
The brothers have identical bracelets, Bonnivier wearing it on his left wrist and Xavier wearing it on his right.
Bonnivier calls him 'Sapi', meaning 'cow'. Despite getting (lovingly) bullied a lot, Bonnivier cares for Xavier a lot. In streams there have been moments where Bonnivier mentions about buying PC upgrades for Xavier, among other things.
Xavier is fond of playing Valorant. It appears he shares the same interest in FPS games just like his older brother.
Xavier's first appearance was on May 22, 2021 when he entered his brother's room while Bonnivier was Live. He brought noodles for him. Before he left, Bonnivier asked Xavier to talk to his viewers for a short while.
Two weeks later on June 5, Xavier was invited to play a game of Valorant with Bonnivier and a character sprite was provided, finally revealing his appearance.

The Bonnito
Bonnivier's fishy fans.
Name origin: Bonnivier's name + the Bonito fish
Height: 43.2cm/1'5" (Bonnito), 20cm/0'8" (Bocilnnito)
Original concepts: tnr_tonniris, koactus
Final design: imaghina
Other facts
A Bonnito appears as an elongated bonito fish with tiny chubby fins and legs for limbs. Usually portrayed looking upwards 'stiffly' with its mouth open.
Its younger version called the Bocilnnito is about half the size of the Bonnito. It is used to represent the newer or younger fans of Bonnivier Pranaja.
Normally fish don't talk, but if they communicated they would do as humans do, because they basically represent the fans.